Steam condensationEmpirical correlationMARS-KS codeContainment transientFor the Korean design of the PCCS (passive containment cooling system) in an innovative PWR, the overall thermal resistance around a condenser tube is dominated by the heat transfer coefficient of steam condensation on the exterior ...
零基础,教你用AI+Python自动生成超酷炫的数学演示动画 #有ai就有无限可能 #豆包marscode #marscode #manim #AI编程 00:00 / 01:05 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞116 科技游戏站11月前14 款 1 月游戏精选,PC、PS、Xbox、Switch 全平台推荐 #steam游戏 #单机游戏 00:00 / 15:38 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点...
MARSThe focus of this study is on a multi-scale and multi-physics nuclear safety analysis method for main steam line break (MSLB) accidents. The indirect coupled code MASTER/CUPID using MASTER DLL was combined directly with MARS to form MASTER/CUPID/MARS. Whereas MASTER is a three-...
Engineering nonlinearity characteristic compensation for commercial steam turbine control valve using linked MARS code and Matlab Simulink[J] . B. Halimi,Kune Y. Suh.Nuclear Engineering and Design . 2011HALIMI B , KUNE Y S. Engineering nonlinearity characteristic compensation for commercial steam ...