There are more than 4,300 Luxembourg Postcode in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place, Postcode, Latitude, Longitude etc. plus with online map.
Note that many cities from Luxembourg may have multiple localities in it, so the clicking on "Show Postal Code" below may only show postal code of central locality. For specific locality/address, you need to select its name in the above text box. Show Postal Code State/Province level ...
沒有找到...请输入卢森堡其他的城市名称或邮编试试按行政区域查找卢森堡邮编 Capellen Clervaux Diekirch Echternach Esch-sur-Alzette Grevenmacher Luxembourg Mersch Redange Remich Vianden Wiltz 附近的邮编 L-1019 L-1111 L-1112 L-1113 L-1114 L-1115 L-1116 L-1117 L-1118 L-1119 L-1120 L-1121 L-...
Click here to buy Luxembourg Postcode Database L-7212 Taxonomy upgrade extras: Bereldange Postcode: L-7212 Place Name: Bereldange Latitude: 49.6569 Longitude: 6.1275 Accuracy: 4 Read moreabout L-7212 L-7213 Taxonomy upgrade extras: Bereldange ...
I've been working on two maps (ArcGIS for Power BI), one for Belgium and one for Luxembourg, to show each postal code as a boundary, with a value. The Belgian map worked fine, but unfortunately I can't seem to make PBI read the Luxembourg postal codes. Regardless of whether I classi...
Open Government, Luxembourg Luxembourgish Government Open Data apiKey Yes Unknown Open Government, Mexico Mexican Statistical Government Open Data No Yes Unknown Open Government, Mexico Mexico Government Open Data No Yes Unknown Open Government, Netherlands Netherlands Government Open Data No Yes Unknown ...
postal_code: postal code place_name: place name (e.g. town, city etc) state_name: 1. order subdivision (state) state_code: 1. order subdivision (state) county_name: 2. order subdivision (county/province) county_code: 2. order subdivision (county/province) ...
Postal Code Category:WAL,Luxembourg,Virton,6724 Accuracy:4 Admin Name1:Wallonie Admin Name2:Luxembourg Admin Name3:Virton Admin Code1:WAL Latitude:49.7333 Longitude:5.5333 Place Name:Habay Marbehan Postcode:6724 Click here to buy Belgium Postcode Database ...
查询Luxembourg, Ville de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 卢森堡的邮政编码L-2311。通过卢森堡城市名称查询对应的邮政编码,或者通过卢森堡邮编查询对应的城市名称地址
Luxembourg to carry out the necessaryVATformalities and paytheVATduein Luxembourg on his/her behalf, without having to register for LuxembourgVAThimself. 增值税代理 为取得交易资格,外国企业家可以在卢 森堡委派一名第三方办理必要的增值 税手续,并代表其在卢森堡缴纳应...