× Find more Canadian postal information at Address Ready Canadian postal codes follow a unique alphanumeric format: A1A 1A1, where A represents a letter and 1 represents a digit. This format helps efficiently sort and deliver mail across Canada's vast territory. Our generator creates random ...
Free Japanese Postal (Customer) Code Generator: This free online barcode generator creates all 1D and 2D barcodes. Download the generated barcode as bitmap or vector image.
跳转到主要内容 This is a professional postal code / ZIP code website, it currently provides postcode inquiry service around hundreds of countries in 50+ languages. There are more than 40,000,000 postcode / ZIP code data in our website database since 1998. ...
Find a Postal code Worldwide, CountryZipcode is a platform where you can find your current location, zipcode, Pincode, Postal code, posta kodu, and Current Address.
新增双语独立子网站: Australia Postal Code (澳大利亚邮政编码) United States ZIP Code (美国邮政编码) United Kingdom Postal Code (英国邮政编码) Mexico Postal Code (墨西哥邮政编码) Germany Postal Code (德国邮政编码) Japan Postal Code (日本邮政编码)...
Instantly create Code 39 & 128, EAN, UPC barcodes or QR codes using Wasp's free online barcode generator. Choose a common linear barcode type to generate.
免费QR Code (手机/智能手机) Generator: 此款免费在线条码生成软件可以生成所有线性和二维条码。将生成的条形码下载为位图或矢量图像。
Use vCard QR Code generator to create virtual business cards for free. Customize it with your colors and add a logo. Create your free vCard QR Code now!
Everything you need to create, manage, and track dynamic QR codes. Since 2008, the trusted, privacy-first QR Code Generator.
US Postal Fonts Royal Mail & 4-State Fonts Barcode ActiveX Professional Barcode DLL Barcode ActiveX Lite PDFLeo Due to the service nature, we do not provide technical support on the use of this free Qr code generator. If you have any questions, post them tocommunity forum....