With the Editor you can format your code with indenting, hidden text, URLs, and so forth. You can also auto-format your code as you type by using Smart Indenting.IndentingYou can choose three different styles of text indenting. You can also specify how many spaces compose a single ...
Code of conduct Security policy Security policy Activity Custom properties Stars 50.1k stars Watchers 417 watching Forks 4.5k forks Report repository Releases 124 3.5.3 Latest Mar 3, 2025 + 123 releases Sponsor this project prettier Prettier opencollective.com/prettier thanks.dev/u/...
You can choose three different styles of text indenting. You can also specify how many spaces compose a single indentation or tab, and whether the Editor uses tabs or space characters when indenting. To choose an indenting style On theToolsmenu, clickOptions. ...
of nested languages within a file * reformatting and indentation of C, C++, C# and Java source code * wrapping of long lines * configurable output of line numbers 1.3 SUPPORTED PROGRAMMING AND MARKUP LANGUAGES --- Please see README_LANGLIST for the current set of supported languages. You ma...
The main purpose of the formatting model builder is itscreateModel()method that must provide aFormattingModelnecessary for the framework to format the document. As an argument, it receives aFormattingContextwhich provides text range, PSI element, and other information required for formatting. ...
In this area, specify additional formatting options for Javadoc comments. Enable leading asterisks: start each line of a Javadoc comment with an asterisk. Use @throws rather than @exception: use the @throws tag. Wrap at right margin: wrap the text that exceeds the right margin to the next ...
TheFormat Selectioncommand fails when using Black Formatter.blackdoes not support formatting sections of code. To work around this limitation, you can disable format on paste and setformatOnSaveto format the whole file with the following settings:"[python]": {"editor.formatOnPaste": false, "edito...
Advanced text formatting Automatically adjust the format of your trigger step data by splitting, reformatting, or removing text to fit the needs of your receiving app. Examples: You want to remove user mentions from a Slack message so you can send the clean text to Airtable as a task. ...
In this area, specify additional formatting options for Javadoc comments. Enable leading asterisks: start each line of a Javadoc comment with an asterisk. Use @throws rather than @exception: use the @throws tag. Wrap at right margin: wrap the text that exceeds the right margin to the next ...
You can select text either in the standard continuous stream mode or in box mode, in which you select a rectangular portion of text instead of a set of lines. To make a selection in box mode, press ALT as you drag the mouse over the selection (or press ALT + SHIFT + <arrow key>)...