据路透社,一位欧盟官员5月25日表示,推特可能会退出欧盟《反虚假信息行为准则》(EUCodeofPracticeonDisinformation),但此举并不意味着推特将退出欧洲。欧盟委员会去年加强了该准则的要求,... 快讯正文 据路透社,一位欧盟官员5月25日表示,推特可能会退出欧盟《反虚假信息行为准则》(EUCodeofPracticeonDisinformation),但...
freedom of expressioncode of conductonline platformssafeguardsThe problem of disinformation online is a source of growing concern for EU policy makers. During the political events of 2016, it became clear that the spreadinSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Earlier this month, Musk reiterated that Twitter is "hell bent on being the least untrue source of information." However, according to European Commissioner Thierry Breton, Twitter just removed itself from the European Union's voluntary Code of Practice against disinformation, a pact that other so...
Meta, Google, Microsoft and Twitter have agreed to have a stronger approach to disinformation as the EU pushes forward with a fresh code of practice. The European Commission revealed this morning that more than 30 signatories including advertising bodies have signed up to the new code, which will...
Photo by Giu Vicente on Unsplash Notes for a keynote talk presented at the event Digital Autonomy in Education: a public responsibility, convened by the Governing the Digital Society initiative at Utrecht University and Kennisnet, 7 November 2024, for an audience of school leaders, teachers, te...
Meditation, on the other hand, is a practice of training the mind to focus and quiet the thoughts, often with the intention of achieving a state of calmness, relaxation, or heightened awareness. Meditation can be practiced in a variety of ways, such as through mindfulness, visualization, or ...
‘s suburbs that residents began to complain. Local officials could not work out whether enforcing federal immigration policy should be their job. Los Angeles County officials formed a birth tourism task force in 2015, but after complaints about the practice fell off in 2018, the task force ...
Meditation, on the other hand, is a practice of training the mind to focus and quiet the thoughts, often with the intention of achieving a state of calmness, relaxation, or heightened awareness. Meditation can be practiced in a variety of ways, such as through mindfulness, visualization, or ...