1.1. This Code of Practice ("Code") has been drawn up by the eight payment card scheme operators that have payment card operations in Hong Kong currently. They are American Express International, Inc., China UnionPay Co. Ltd., Diners Club International (HK) Ltd, JCB International (Asia) ...
of bank loans, for this involves whether the Code of Banking Practice is clear, its transparency is high enough, and consumers [...] legco.gov.hk 現時,我們就着銀行貸款的安排進行了特別的討論,因為這是關乎 銀行的《銀行營運守則》是否清楚, 其透 明度是否夠高,消費者在借款 時又是否明白這點...
The Arbitration and Mediation Legislation (Third Party Funding) (Amendment) Ordinance 2017 (Amendment Ordinance) amends the Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 609) and the Mediation Ordinance (Cap 620) to allow third party funding of arbitrations and mediations
The Code of Banking Practice Committee, comprising representatives of the HKAB, the DTCA and the HKMA, has further reviewed the Code and formulated further enhancement measures following the revision of the Code in 2021. The latest enhancements, apart from ensuring corresponding protection of customers...
We adopt the Code of Practice on Person-to-Person Marketing Calls and Code of Practice for Telecommunications Service Contracts and will make our reasonable endeavour to comply with these Codes. Please note that the terms of certain existing contracts with customers may not be affected by the ...
legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk ThisCode of Practicefocuses on workers'safetyandrecommendssafepractices for proprietors and contractors, and their employees[...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 該守則集中工人的安全,向東主、承建商和擔任升 降機及自動電梯工作的僱員建議一些安全守則。
legco.gov.hk 流動電視節目編排和節目內容受一般法例規管,亦須依 循業界公布的業務守則,加強自我規管。 legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk [...] Association (HKISPA), TELA has developed aself-regulatory Code of PracticeinOctober 1997 to provide guidance for Internet ...
We adopt the Code of Practice on Person-to-Person Marketing Calls and Code of Practice for Telecommunications Service Contracts and will make our reasonable endeavour to comply with these Codes. Please note that the terms of certain existing contracts with customers may not be affected by the ...
other forms of illegal gambling in Hong Kong,global practiceontreatmentofstamp duty on stock transactions, the continued [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 這些發展包括全球經濟漸趨一體化;電子 商貿日漸盛行;本港非法和網上賭博的發展情況;全球性股票交易印花稅的趨勢;本港地產市場持續穩定;以及愈來愈倚賴...
HK wind Code 2004 - Basic Wind Pressure 香港风力 2004 Table 1 自动计算书 CodeofPracticeonWindEffectsinHongKong2004Input輸入:InputSiteGroundLevel輸入地盤地面高度InputDesignLevel輸人項目高度Output輸出:Heightabovesitegroundlevel項目離地下高度LinearInterpolatedBasicwindpressure線性內插法後得出的基本風力 本試算表已...