public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA Country phone code +1.ARGENTINA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA Country phone code +54.ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA Country phone code +374.ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA Country phone code ...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND AUSTRALIA public static final CountryPhoneCode AUS...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND AUSTRALIA public static final CountryPhoneCode AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ANGOLA Country phone code +244.ANTARCTICA public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTARCTICA Country phone code +672.ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA Country phone code +1.ARGENTINA...
QR codes are becoming increasingly popular in China, particularly for making mobile payments, as the country moves toward a cashless society, and for publicity purposes. By the end of June 2017, China had 724 million mobile phone users.
"phone_code":"93"},{"english_name":"Antigua and Barbuda","chinese_name":"安提瓜和巴布达","country_code":"AG","phone_code":"1268"},{"english_name":"Anguilla","chinese_name":"安圭拉","country_code":"AI","phone_code":"1264"},{"english_name":"Albania","chinese_name":"阿尔巴尼亚...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND AUSTRALIA public static final CountryPhoneCode AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND AUSTRALIA public static final CountryPhoneCode AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND AUSTRALIA public static final CountryPhoneCode AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND AUSTRALIA public static final CountryPhoneCode AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA...