Hindi cinema, or Bollywood as it is famously known, has always found itself in a dire state when representing women on screen. The dark yet luminous space (the silver screen) of a movie theatre playing a Hindi film reflects, like any other space, the “history of powers” (Foucault 149)...
In 1966, the surgeon general of the US Public Health Service issued a policy statement requesting the establishment of research ethics review committees or institutional review boards (Levine2004: 2312). At this point in history, ethics codes would have had two main target audiences: researchers an...
> 1.Bus kya : The meaning of it is that com'on don't take me for granted. > > 2.Apun : It's actual meaning is WE but in B'hindi it means I or me...usage > like : apun ko kya samjha tu ne, apne haath ka ek padega.. > > 3.Chava / Chavi : Actual meaning of...
lit. "Holy Mother"). The name was first recorded with a Chinese transcription on the 1721 Kangxi Atlas during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of Qing China, and then appeared as Tchoumour Lancma on a 1733 map published in Paris by the French geographer D'Anville based on the former map...