必应词典为您提供Code-of-Ethics-for-Engineers的释义,网络释义: 工程师伦理守则;编制之伦理守则;笔者试译其工程师伦理守则;
NSPECodeofEthicsforEngineers Preamble Engineeringisanimportantandlearnedprofession.Asmembersofthisprofession,engineersare expectedtoexhibitthehigheststandardsofhonestyandintegrity.Engineeringhasadirectand vitalimpactonthequalityoflifeforallpeople.Accordingly,theservicesprovidedbyengineers requirehonesty,impartiality,fairnessand...
NSPE Code of Ethics for engineers hx; li for maliciously chosen x 2 X and l 2 f0; 1g 19-1 19-2 Lecture 19 : November 21, 1994 D on X target concept c * EX(c * , D) x L xX L=c * (x) Figure 1... The National Society of Professional Engineers - 《Jom the Journal of...
NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers 热度: Beyond the Code_ A Philosophical Guide to Engineering Ethics_1(优选) 热度: Beyond the Code_ A Philosophical Guide to Engineering Ethics_5(优选) 热度: 1 Engineeringcodeofethicsandethical responsibilityofengineers ...
National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics for Engineers - ScienceDirectELSEVIERBiomedical Ethics for EngineersNSPE. (2007). National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics for Engineers. Retrieved January 1, 2016, from http://www.nspe.org/resources/ethics/code-ethics...
Here, Gupta, Hotz, and Karchi propose just such a generative AI code of ethics for engineers, defining five ethical pillars to enforce while developing generative AI solutions. These pillars draw inspiration from other expert opinions, leading responsible AI guidelines, and additional generative-AI-fo...
The fundamental aim of education is to grow an individual intellectually, personally, socially,... 2 Pages | 696 Words Position Paper: Importance of the Code of Ethics for Engineers Code of Ethics Engineer The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) value accountability, respect, integrity,... ...
Position Paper: Importance of the Code of Ethics for Engineers Code of Ethics Engineer The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) value accountability, respect, integrity,... 5 Pages | 2075 Words Auditor’s Code Of Ethics And Of Conduct ...
I am wondering how I can sell the device to our customers and still obligate professional engineers code which could be a conflict of interest. Replies continue below Recommended for you Ethics in Engineering and The Rise of Deepfakes The Importance of Teaching Engineering Ethics Navigating the...
The engineer acts both as a rational agent and as a moral agent in the execution of professional responsibilities. The moral view of most engineers tends toward utilitarianism. The utilitarian concept of moral action holds that the consequences of an action alone determine whether or not the action...