From the Board of Directors, to my leadership team, toevery one of you, when we live by our values we can build a highlyskilled, world-class, North American company. Join in mycommitment to this Code of Conduct to ensure that we operate with the highest ethical standards and achieve our...
Implementing the code of conduct The code of conduct is provided to all employees arriving at Seppic, in France and around the world. It is also incorporated into the rules of procedure for our sites in France. Each year, an e-learning module on the code of conduct is completed by Seppic...
Our Code of Business Conduct encourages our employees to apply our values in their day-to-day business activities and to be aware of their individual impact on the company’s reputation and thus its continued success.Our employees are the key to our success and we are therefore committed to ...
code of professional conduct for employees code of professional conduct for employees 【释义】code of professional conduct for employees 员工职业行为准则
Code of conduct for company staff First, during the work, clothes and hairstyles are neat, generous and decent, prohibiting fancy clothes or overexposed clothes. Men should not wear long hair or odd hair, ladies do not keep strange hairstyles, and do not wear heavy make-up. Two, office hou...
员工纪律与行为规范(Employeedisciplineandcodeofconduct) Employeedisciplineandcodeofconduct 1.Allemployeesofthecompanyshallcomplywiththefollowing provisions: 1.Complywithalltherules,regulationsandannouncementsof thecompany; 2,gotoworkontime,workontime,notlate,donotleaveearly; 3,theworkoftheworkforthetimelimit...
This Code of Conduct sets forth Retirement Clearinghouse’s basic standards of behavior. All employees of RCH must conduct themselves in accordance with these principles and standards. RCH will promote and require ethical conduct of employees while providing services on its behalf. This ethical conduct...
business decisions or are faced with ethical dilemmas. The Code provides guidelines for Essity and its employees regarding business practices,health and safety, employee relations,human rights, nature and community. In addition to the Code of Conduct, Essity also has aGlobal Supplier standardin place...
Should be in line with the principle ofcombining punishment and education, guide the staff to abide by the rules andregulations. Any decision made by on employees shall be made public, except for personal privacy andbusiness secrets of the company. 3.3. company disciplinarypunishment ...
销售人员行为准则(Codeofconductforsalespersonnel) Codeofconductforsalespersonnel I.workingattitude 1,obeytheboss:earnestlyobeytheboss'sworkarrangement anddeployment,timelycompletionofthetask,havetodelay, refuseorterminatethework.2,strictduties:employeesmust beontimetowork,notlate,leaveearly,absenteeism,andmay ...