The term “employee/employees” mentioned throughout this Code of Conduct applies to all Calico employees, temps, vendors, visiting scholars, and contractors. Calico’s Code of Conduct sets forth the standards by which we conduct our operations. It covers a range of subjects, from the use of ...
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.Code of Conduct ...
NBC Bearings is a top bearing manufacturer in India offering best in class products & services. Check out our code of conduct and ethics.
Additionally, the Westat IRB may periodically monitor research to ensure that it is conducted as it was approved to protect human subjects as well as to adhere to all applicable Federal, state, and local laws. Ethics and Code of Conduct Westat conducts all of our business activities with the ...
.irbrc .rspec .rubocop.yml .ruby-version .solargraph.yml .travis.yml Gemfile Gemfile.lock LICENSE.txt Procfile Rakefile souls.gemspec Breadcrumbs souls / Latest commit History History Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct ...
ResearchGate 相似文献From Threat to Opportunity? Problems with the Idea of a "Code of Conduct" for Land- Grabbing The past decades have seen the emergence of a "corporate socialresponsibility agenda" in response to public and activist criticism of "theimpact of transnationa...
Code of Conduct:Defines how other contributors should treat each other when developing or using your software. This also states what will happen if this code is broken. If you’re using Github, a Code of Conducttemplatecan be generated with recommended wording. For Open Source projects especially...
Methods The authors conducted an IRB-approved, Web-based survey of psychiatry faculty and trainees using a 25-item questionnaire of demographics and opinions about code status among psychiatric inpatients. Results The response rate was 36.1 % (n = 30; 15 faculty and 15 trainees). ...
Physician must do all in his power to protect the honourable tradition of the medical profession, maintaining a high standard of practical work and ethical conduct towards the patient and his family and close friends, and towards healthy persons. Genetic tests and alterations of human genome are ...
all of a sudden L5J n all of it L5w o all over again L6Y BK All Saints' Day 5g + all sorts L7i i all sorts of L8E o All Souls' Day 6e r all the L8s BA all the same L9s i all the time L+O Bk Allah 4f Y allegory Lx4 v alley Lyn Z alligator LzA m all‐knowing ...