The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.───这家报纸违反了隐私保护行为准则。 The sport has a strict code of conduct.───体育运动有严格的行为规范。 What Army Regulation covers the Code of Conduct?───何种陆军规则提供了有关本行为守则的规定. From now on, all allies should...
What is the legal authority supporting theCode of Conduct? 行为守则的法律依据是什么? 互联网 And our everlastingcode of conductis with expertise, ethics and performance. 专业、 德和效益是我们持之以恒的经营守则. 互联网 What Army Regulation covers theCode of Conduct?
A code of conduct for the army, drawn up on the basis of respect for human rights, was prepared and disseminated across the country, with the support of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 在人权高专办的支持下,编写并在全国各地区推广了基于尊重人权的《军队行为准则》。
The meaning of CODE is a systematic statement of a body of law; especially : one given statutory force. How to use code in a sentence.
The meaning of CODE is a systematic statement of a body of law; especially : one given statutory force. How to use code in a sentence.
code of conduct_法律行业词汇 行为规范 行为准则 code of conduct_金融行业词汇 行为规范 行动守则 code of conduct 例句 1.Such moves technically comply with the code of conduct, but the EU is watching them warily. 此番举动在法律上的确符合行动守则的规定,但欧盟仍将明察秋毫。 2.The newspaper ...
The Geneva Conventions are a series of conventions governing the conduct of member nations' militaries. The conventions, which were drawn up after World War II, deal with the protection of civilians in war, humane treatment of prisoners of war and the care of the sick and wounded during war,...
Army Information Film AIF No. 7: Code of Conduct - To Resist(1950) 纪录 短片 战争 CCTV6官网视频平台 下载App 演职人员2 杰克·韦... Jack Webb Johnny S... 饰Offi... 全体演职人员名单 相关推荐 2024“新春... 志愿军:雄兵... 缉仇 雪豹和她的... 加油吧!乡亲... 深海危机 浴血...
1. principles, rules, manners, custom, convention, ethics, maxim, etiquette, system Writers are expected to observe journalistic ethics and code of conduct. 2. law, rules, regulations, constitution, charter, canon, jurisprudence This crime is included in the penal code on treason. 3. cipher, ...
NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Code Issues10 Pull requests16 Actions Security Insights Additional navigation options master 1Branch0Tags Code README Code of conduct MIT license 🇺🇦 UKRAINEIS BEING ATTACKEDBY RUSSIAN ARMY. CIVILIANS ARE GETTING KILLED. RESIDENTIAL ...