all of a sudden L5J n all of it L5w o all over again L6Y BK All Saints' Day 5g + all sorts L7i i all sorts of L8E o All Souls' Day 6e r all the L8s BA all the same L9s i all the time L+O Bk Allah 4f Y allegory Lx4 v alley Lyn Z alligator LzA m all‐knowing ...
Using the MariaDB JDBC driver with Amazon Aurora with MySQL compatibility - amazon-aurora-mysql-with-mariadb-jdbc-driver/code/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi at master · aws-samples/amazon-aurora-mysql-with-mariadb-jdbc-driver
The sub-group of children with DLD in the current study was too small to conduct formal group comparisons, but a continuous measure of overall language ability was included as a potential predictor to account for the wide range of language skills. Excluding children with DLD did not change the...