根据第二段“The following items are not permitted into the museum: any object that makes noise, any animal except service animals, any dangerous item, any weapon, pocket knife cutter, blade, pepper spray, and any object considered to be suspicious (可疑的) by security personnel.(禁止携带以下...
Conduct regular training on international human rights law, the Basic Principles and the PPS Code of Conduct for security officers, and investigate and review operations to ensure regular compliance. 定期为安全部队军官进行国际人权法、《基本原则》和《预警部队行为守则》方面的培训,并定期开展业务调查和审...
This code of conduct is informed by the interdisciplinary EURAT Project in Heidelberg which aims at an ethically and legally informed practice for bio-based genomic research. Results: The code includes the following specific recommendations. We tailor informed consent process to the needs of our ...
This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (this “Code”) is intended to help ensure compliance with legal requirements and our standards of business conduct. All officers, directors and employees of VT Netzwelt Pvt Ltd, or its subsidiaries (collectively the “Company”) are expected to read and...
The Code of Conduct outlines the fundamental principles that guide our interactions with employees and business partners, and reflects our determination to always comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
General Employee Code of Ethics I. Purpose This code of conduct and ethics is adopted, with immediate effect. II. Policy The Company is committed to the highest ethical standards and to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. It is the obligation of our employees to: Conduct ...
CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CHURCH PERSONNELCODE OF CONDUCT FOR CHURCH PERSONNEL Avoid overnight stays with a minor unless there is another adult present in a supervisory role. Avoid providing overnight accommodations for minors in private residences or rectories.Lay Employees...
The Code of Conduct outlines the fundamental principles that guide our interactions with employees and business partners, and reflects our determination to always comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
UHS Code of Conduct and Ethics Introduction Universal Health Services, Inc. (the "Company"), is committed to promoting integrity and maintaining standards of ethical conduct in all its activities. Our business success is dependent on trusting relationships, which are built on this foundation of ...
For the comfort and safety of all passengers, the following conduct is expected when using Mountain Line services: Cooperate with requests from Mountain Line personnel. Be considerate and respect the privacy of others. Use headphones for music and keep cell phone conversations short and quiet....