1. 执法人员行为守则 ...执法人员行为守则Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials美国外国法协会 American Foreign Law Association ... www.chinesedic.com|基于7个网页 2. 执法人员操守 ...险武器的使用符合国际接受的标准,特别是联合国采用的执法人员操守(Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials)...
Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials 英语- 中文 例子 Code of Conduct for Public Officials 公职人员行为守则 政治-cjki.org Law enforcement officials came for him. 执法人员找到了他。 一般-CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl) Law enforcement officials... ...
1) Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials 执法人员行为守则 2) Code of Conduct for Public Officials 公职人员行为守则 3) Code of Conduct 《职员行为守则》 4) Code of Conduct 行为守则 1. This paper,having defined the concept ofCode of Conduct, points out its effectiveness source and its...
CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT专业行为守则 热度: Supplier Code of Conduct供应商行为守则 热度: 相关推荐 CodeofConductforLawEnforcementOfficials AdoptedbyGeneralAssemblyresolution34/169of17December1979 Article1 Lawenforcementofficialsshallatalltimesfulfilthedutyimposeduponthembylaw,byservingthe communityandbyprotect...
It further urged all parties that engage in law enforcement action to adhere to the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials and the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, which call for law enforcement officials to take steps to preserve and pr...
This Microsoft Enterprise AI Services Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) defines the requirements that all customers of Microsoft AI Services must adhere to in good faith. “Microsoft AI Service” means an Online Service or feature thereof that uses artificial intelligence technologies, including ...
SIFCO Industries, Inc. Code of Conduct & Ethics (As published SIFCO Website, Jan. 2022) Introduction This Code of Ethics (“Code”) governs the actions and working relationships of SIFCO employees, officers and directors with fellow employees, current an
possible, including limiting the disclosure of the identity of the person raising the concerns, consistent with applicable law and Morgan Stanley’s commitment to conduct a thorough review of any identified issues. In addition, the Firm provides a mechanism for anonymous reporting through theIntegrity...
Code of Civil Procedure Code of Colorado Regulations code of conduct code of conduct code of conduct Code of Conduct and Ethics Code of Conduct Bureau Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Code of Conduct for Special Advisers Code Of Conduct Line ...
normal,convention,rule,pattern,formula- something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors" courtly love- (Middle Ages) a highly conventionalized code of conduct for lovers ...