Code of Conduct Football is the national game. All those involved with the game at every level and whether as a player, match official, coach, owner or administrator, have a responsibility, above and beyond compliance with the law, to act according to the highest standards of integrity, and...
文档介绍:A Code of Conduct for FootballThis code applies to all those involved in football under the auspices of The Football Association.Football is the national game. All those involved with the game at every level and whether as a player, match official, coach, owner, of administrator, ...
Code of Conduct Ashington Association Football Club is a community family club open to all and we make every effort to make everyone feel welcome when they come to Woodhorn Lane. The club operates with a Junior section who are encouraged to attend games, as well as families and we expect b...
USAFL Coaches will be required to agree to the following code of conduct on registereing with the USAFL: In representing myself in an honest manner, and without bringing the coaching profession or the Game into disrepute, I will endeavor to uphold the following to the best of my ability: ...
THE FOOTBALL Association has unveiled a new draft code of conduct designed to be a "benchmark for behaviour" in the game - yet admit that there are no powers to enforce it.The Independent (London, England)
The National Football League has created a fan code of conduct to help promote a positive fan environment at NFL stadiums. These measures are designed to build on the many outstanding programs already in place at Lincoln Financial Field and other NFL stadiums to enhance the fan experience. ...
laiddownintheCodeofConductisessentialtoFIFAanditsobjectives,inparticularto protectandimprovethegameoffootballconstantlyandpromoteitgloballyinthelightof itsunifying,educational,culturalandhumanitarianvalues,particularlythroughyouthand developmentprogrammes,andpreventanymethodsorpracticeswhichmightjeopardise ...
Fan Code of Conduct We are confident that our fans lead the NFL in enthusiasm, support, hospitality and sportsmanship. Our image is shaped not only by our players, coaches and employees, but by our fans as well. Our goal is to create a high-energy environment to lend support to our team...
Code of Conduct & Ethics The ANZ Code of Conduct and Ethics ANZ is committed to achieving outstanding performance and results to provide value to our shareholders, while considering the interests of employees, customers, the community and others with whom we do business. In striving for ...
football (redirected fromFootball code) Thesaurus Encyclopedia foot·ball (fo͝ot′bôl′) n. 1.Sports a.A game played by two teams of 11 players each on a rectangular, 100-yard-long field with goal lines and goalposts at either end, the object being to gain possession of a ball and...