例:“a strict dress code”(严格的着装要求)·“a stern code of honor” ·“To be worthy of that love, he adopted a strict code of moral conduct.” 同义词:set of principles · set of standards · set of customs · manners 这里“code of conduct”的“code”正是第三个义项。类似的表达还...
Code of Conduct(行為規範)是一套指導和規範個人或組織行為的道德規範。它通常由組織、公司或社群制定並遵守,以確保在工作環境中的尊重、公平、誠信和合理的行為。以下為一個可能的Code of Conduct制度的範例: 1.組織成員應遵守所有適用的法律和法規。 2.組織成員應以尊重、禮貌和友好的態度對待彼此。 3.組織成員...
It’s also crucial forcomplianceand legal policies. For instance, in the U.S.,public organizations are required to have a code of conduct. From a compliance perspective, if an employee engages in illegal activity, the code of conduct serves as documentation that they violated company policy. B...
1.The paper points out that "code of conduct" of IAEA is a non-binding rule of conduct,whose formation process and effectiveness in the international community has played all different from the traditional international law.国际原子能机构的"行为准则"就是这样一种无约束力的行为规则,其形成过程及其...
code of conduct ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 codeofconduct 行为准则() 条例() 也可见: code名— 行为准则名 · 码名 · 规则名 · 代码名 · 编码名 · 密码名 · 区号名 · 信号名 · 标记名 · 法则名 · 密语名 · 略码名 · 遗传密码名...
1)Code of conduct行为规范 1.For thousands of years,Confucianism had dominated people s mainstream of consciousness in China,and it was the thought springhead of code of conduct and social organizing.几千年来,儒家思想一直牢牢占据中国主流意识地位,成为人们行为规范和组织社会的思想渊源。 2.There do ...
The new code of conduct lays down the ground rules for management-union relations.───新的行为规范确定了资方与工会关系的基本原则。 Code of Conduct ( SEHK, HKFE )───《专业操守规例》 ( 联交所), 《操守准则》(期交所 ) It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own ...
5 I.III 我們的行為準則... 5 II. 我們公司的誠信之道...
网络行为及实务守则;教师专业准则 网络释义
The newspaper breached thecode of conducton privacy. 该报违反了保护隐私的行为准则。 柯林斯例句 The newcode of conductlays down the ground rules for management-union relations. 新的行为规范确定了资方与工会关系的基本原则。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 ...