anchored in our core values,ourCode of Business Ethicsand,ultimately, reflected in the actions of our people. 埃森哲的企业公民承诺深深植根于我们的核心价值观、我们的企业道德准则之中,并最终体现在我们员工的行动之上。
A code of ethics outlines the ethical principles that govern employee behavior in the workplace. It often includes the company’s values, as well as the policies meant to guide employees in how they make decisions and conduct themselves at work.
Code of Ethics for a Business企业的道德规范 By Maurice Moss Do companies have a moral compass? Often leaders try to impart their philosophy about business to employees in an annual address or a global email. This type of communication is good, but not frequent enough to offer consistent gu...
This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) has been adopted by our Board of Directors (“Board”) and summarises the standards that must guide our business actions and operations. The Code does not cover every issue that may arise, but it sets out basic principles and ethical...
Business 100: Intro to Business 26 chapters | 137 lessons | 12 flashcard sets Ch 1. The Dynamic Business Environment Ch 2. Practicing Social Responsibility and Ethical... Business Ethics | Theories, Principles & Examples 5:58 Code of Ethics | Definition, Types & Examples 7:19 4:27 ...
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (effective April 5, 2006) 1. Introduction We require high standards of professional and ethical conduct from our employees. Our reputation with our shareholders, business partners, prospective investors and other stakeholders for honesty and integrity is key to the...
CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS 1. Your Obligations This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (this “Code”) is designed to promote honest, ethical and lawful conduct by all employees, officers and directors of Altra Holdings, Inc. and all subsidiaries and entities controlled by it (...
BOSCOMCode of Business EthicsThis Code of Business Ethics describes the rules of conduct to be maintained by B.O.S Better Online Solutions Ltd. (“BOS” or the “Company”) and its senior managers (CEO, President and CFO) and employees, including its sub
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 I – Why Ethics Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Why ethics matter to you and the Company The purpose of this Code Application of the Code What if someone violates this Code...