Suppliers are encouraged to reduce excess packaging, use recycled and non-toxic materials where feasible, to purchase wood and wood products originating from Certified Well- Managed ForestsTM where feasible, and to promote the efficient and responsible use of wood and wood products.Version...
公正商贸联盟制定了概括可接受的工作环境标准的商业做法准则。Develop and act upon a code of business conduct for the supply management function and suppliers.为供应管理部门和供应商制定商业行为准则,并身体力行。
1. Compliance with Legal and Code of Conduct For Suppliers 了解并遵守所有适用法律和供应商行为准则的规定 To comply with the laws of the applicable legal system(s) and code of conduct for suppliers. 二、禁止贪污贿赂 2. Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery 不容忍任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,也不从事...
of国际行为供应商行为CodeforForcodeHome供应商 系统标签: suppliersconductcodeiom供应商守则 CodeofConductforSuppliers FieldProcurementUnit ManilaAdministrativeCentre,ManilaPhilippines SuppliersCodeofConduct 1 IOMisstronglycommittedinobservingthehighestethicalstandardsinallitsprocurementactivities. Assuch,thisCodeofConduct...
供应商行为准则40CodeofConductforSuppliers41V01 系统标签: 供应商suppliersconduct准则codepoverty 供应商行为准则CodeSuppliers本行为准则规定了为江苏常牵庞巴迪牵引系统有限公司(以下简称BCP)提供产品及服务的供应商应承担的基本责任。BCP保留根据BCP合同项目的变化而对本行为准则进行合理修改的权利。在此情形下,供应商应...
Selecting Business Partners to Conduct Business-to-business (B2B) Transactions A directory server which provides a reply indicating suitable supplier transaction systems (or suppliers) from which products/services of interest can be purchased by a B2B transaction. The directory server may generate such ...
Our ongoing success depends on our ability to perform to the highest standards of business conduct with each other, our customers and our many business partners. View the Code in full Supplier Code of Conduct The Supplier Code of Conduct governs Syniverse’s expectations of its Suppliers and is...
Our Code of Business Conduct serves to guide the actions of our employees consistent with our Company values. The Code helps our people do the right thing and play by the rules wherever we operate around the world. Arabic Bengali Burmese ...
GDS is committed to following the highest standard of code of business conduct for the business relationship between GDS employees, users, customers, suppliers, shareholders and other related parties, which means that we shall follow the highest standard of code of business conduct while complying wit...
influence to our company. Therefore, we expect all our suppliers, their employees, and subcontractors to stringently adhere to the same ethical standards as Sukano itself. It is the responsibility of our suppliers to meet these expectations and to comply with our Code of Conduct for Suppliers. ...