You can find a live demo of the Love Calculator website at Screenshots Usage To use the Love Calculator website, simply visit the demo page and enter the names of you and your partner. Click the "Calculate" button to see your love score. Contributing...
2042 Query all course names in the course schedule and the year and month of the creation date Naive 2043 Search for courses created in the first quarter Naive 2044 Output Hello SQL Naive 2045 Output Hello LintCode Naive 2046 The date the course was created is displayed in 'year-month-day...
I wanted to change the names to their proper title, and I could've done it by hand, but I decided to write a little script to do it. Well, I'm not a scripting geek, so I had to dive into how to get the metadata and format strings etc, the basics of PS. I'm pretty sure ...
An innovative Candy-Crush like game that allows you to learn programming languages in a fun and intuitive way! CodeJAM (born from the initials of our names: Jamie, Angele, Mia) is an app which aims to teach YOU the basics ofprogramming. By signing up in the App with the click of a ...
Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview. This repo shows my solutions in Go with the code style strictly follows the Google Golang Style Guide. Please feel free to reference and STAR to ...
1487 Making File Names Unique 30.4% Medium 1488 Avoid Flood in The City 24.7% Medium 1489 Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree 52.3% Hard 1490 Clone N-ary Tree 83.5% Medium 1491 Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary 68.5% Easy 1492 The kt...
Lelouch and his younger half-sister, Euphemia, were extremely close when they were young, with Nunnally stating that Lelouch had a crush on her, and she may have felt the same. When they met up in the present day, and discover his identity as Zero it showed that he still cared for ...
, reawaken the ancient Necron threat or crush worlds with the mighty forces of Chaos. In the grim darkness the far future there is only war! Ready your decks and prepare to dominate the Warhammer 40,000 leaderboard! Be a part of the Psychic Awakening in Warhammer Combat Cards and lead ...
If Skype 4 Business could stop changing the control names for their input fields, randomly, that'd be great. rant ahk skype 5 10 dr-ant 1340 5y If anyone looking to start learning blender because of any reason (like being a masochist among others), check out blederguru's tutorials...
# watch_victory: "Watch your victory" # defeat_the: "Defeat the" # tournament_ends: "Tournament ends" # tournament_ended: "Tournament ended" # tournament_rules: "Tournament Rules" # tournament_blurb: "Write code, collect gold, build armies, crush foes, win prizes, and upgrade your career...