当你在安装或更新Snap包时遇到错误消息“snap 'code' has 'install-snap' change in progress”,这通常意味着你尝试安装或更新的Snap包(在这个例子中是名为“code”的包)已经有一个安装或更新的过程正在进行中,且尚未完成。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 确认"snap"命令是否正在运行或是否有残留的"install-snap"...
Ubuntu 下Unable to install “Visual Studio Code“:snap “code“ has “install-snap“ change in progress 这个提示表示已经在后台下载,别动等待就好。稍后打开全部应用你就能看到了
Unable to install “Visual Studio Code”:snap “code” has “install-snap” change in progress 这个提示表示已经在后台下载,别动等待就好。稍后打开全部应用你就能看到了
Version Change History Getting Started Preparations Preparing a Development Environment Configuring App Information in AppGallery Connect Configuring App Signing Integrating the HMS Core SDK Configuring Obfuscation Scripts Adding Permissions Scenario-based Development Overview HUAWEI ID Sign-In Wit...
Traditional database transactions and logs are mutable, and therefore there is no way to know for sure if your data has been compromised. immudb is immutable. You can add new versions of existing records, but never change or delete records. This lets you store critical data without fear of ...
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost: Repository has more than 10 non-decryptable secrets backups (host)) To resolve this error, delete the extra snapshot files from your storage container. local.settings.json File Contains app settings, connection strings, and other settings that your ...
Some commands take an exclamation mark (!), which can be used to force the execution of the command (i.e. to quit a modified buffer, the commandq!has to be used). Commands starting with horizontal whitespace (e.g. a space) will not be saved in the command history. ...
Both are named my-function, but one has an origin of AWS::Lambda and the other has an origin of AWS::Lambda::Function. If the AWS::Lambda segment shows an error, the Lambda service had an issue. If the AWS::Lambda::Function segment shows an error, your function had an issue. This...
Install the Extension by downloading it or via Nova's Extension Library. I am slightly miffed that Nova's first-run screen is now cooler than mine. I will escalate this fight until GPUs set houses on fire, Panic. Changed: The UI has been updated for Big Sur. The thumbnail at the top...
cannot install "intellij-idea-community": snap "intellij-idea-community" has "install-snap" change in progress 其实就是软件之前安装了一次,只是没安装完。 解决方案 先snap changes 可以看到ID=5是我之前安装失败的。 现在我们终止它 sudo snap abort 5 ...