However, building a user simulator with no reality-gap, i. e., can predict user's feedback exactly, is unrealistic because the users' reaction patterns are complex and historical logs for each user are limited, which might mislead the simulator-based recommendation policy. Decision Making Recomme...
[12] MetaSimulator: Simulating Unknown Target Models for Query-Efficient Black-box Attacks(模拟未知目标模型以提高查询效率的黑盒攻击) paper | code[11] Soft-IntroVAE: Analyzing and Improving Introspective Variational Autoencoders(分析和改进自省变分自动编码器) paper | code | project...
This is the code for this video on Youtube by Siraj Raval. You can find the simulator here. The objective of this project is to clone human driving behavior using a Deep Neural Network. In order to achieve this, we are going to use a simple Car Simulator. During the training phase, ...
A C# Tiny Fireworks Simulator by Chootair A tiny fireworks simulator based on a simple physical engine. The user can configure 10 launchers with the initial speed of the bomb, the explosion form and the explosion colour. A C# Track Editor by Chootair This application is designed to put way...
This is a note demo source code for Baidu PCS. phonefinger "Finger simulator" to help you demo iOS apps on your Mac. Photomania2013 Photomania Demo from cs193p. PieTouch Demo PieTouch transforms your data into stylish and interactive pie charts!. Ping Semester Project Demo App for ...
An ActiveX control for 2D data visualisation 2D LUA Based Robot Simulator by auralius manurung An article on designing your own robot simulator 2D Multi-Parameter Pie Control by valgouss A simple 2D Pie Control 2DStatic by asef An article for drawing a String formula at a static. 3D Studio ...
Xcode is available on the Mac App Store, with downloadable simulator runtimes for all platforms. Predictive code completion helps you write safer code faster, with an on-device machine learning model trained for Swift and Apple SDKs. And projects build faster thanks to improvements in the compile...
HactarCE/Hyperspeedcube - A modern, beginner-friendly 3D and 4D Rubik's cube simulator with customizable mouse and keyboard controls and advanced features for speedsolving lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust - A minimalistic music video game which supports the BMS format maras-archive/rsnake - Snake. mcthe...
Name: 1999-03-gota Language: C Description: Realistic physics simulator, could handle static and dynamic coils with newton integration. Name: 1999-05-fudebrowser Language: Assembly Z80 Description: Web browser for MSX. Browses over pre-rendered html pages loaded from disk. Name: 1999-05-wise ...
carla 4.7k Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. keras-rl 4.7k Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras. useful-java-links 4.7k A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples Awesome-CoreML-Models 4.7k Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS ...