First of all, you forgot to reset "flag" to false at the start of the outer loop, and for the outer loop it is sufficient to check if 'i' is smaller than size - 1. The main issue is that you forgot to update "min" inside the if statement. Right now, you would swap the curre...
Selection Sort Code in Python, Java, and C/C++ Python Java C C++ # Selection sort in PythondefselectionSort(array, size):forstepinrange(size): min_idx = stepforiinrange(step +1, size):# to sort in descending order, change > to < in this line# select the minimum element in each ...
Selection Sort Code in Python, Java, and C/C++ Python Java C C++ # Selection sort in Python def selectionSort(array, size): for step in range(size): min_idx = step for i in range(step + 1, size): # to sort in descending order, change > to < in this line # select the minimu...
2.1 代码实现: func selectionSort(_ nums: inout [Int]) {foriin0..<nums.count { var min=iforjini+1..<nums.count {ifnums[j] <nums[min] { min=j } } let temp=nums[i] nums[i]=nums[min] nums[min]=temp } } 3. 插入排序 O( n2) 3.1 算法思想 将第一待排序序列第一个元素看做...
package class01;import java.util.Arrays;publicclassCode01_SelectionSort{publicstaticvoidselectionSort(int[]arr){if(arr==null||arr.length<2){return;}// 0 ~ N-1 找到最小值,在哪,放到0位置上// 1 ~ n-1 找到最小值,在哪,放到1 位置上// 2 ~ n-1 找到最小值,在哪,放到2 位置上for(int...
publicvoidsortColors(int[] nums){intlow=0, high = nums.length -1;for(intk=0; k <= high; k++) {if(nums[k] ==0) swap(nums, k, low++);elseif(nums[k] ==2) swap(nums, k--, high--); } }privatevoidswap(int[] A,inta,intb){inttemp=A[a]; ...
Misc Quick Sort 🟢Easy Sorting Algorithms / Sorting Misc Selection Sort 🟢Easy Sorting Algorithms / Sorting Misc Sorted Array 🟢Easy Sorting Algorithms / Sorting Misc Dijkstra's Algorithm 🟢Easy Shortest Path Algorithms / Shortest Path Misc Prim's Algorithm 🟢Easy Minimum Spanning Tree - MST... Repository files navigation README License Java These files are mainly intended to accompany my series of YouTube tutorial videos here, are mainly intended for educational purposes. You are invited to subscribe to my video channel, and...
If you haven't already installed Visual Studio, go to the Visual Studio downloads page to install it for free.This article assumes you're already familiar with a programming language. If you aren't, we suggest you look at one of the programming quickstarts first, such as create a web ...
You can format code, remove unused code, and sort and group members in a single action. You can do this for the active file or instantly clean up entire folders or projects. CodeRush gives you complete control over the entire process. And if you like, CodeRush will clean up code autom...