Data Points: SQL Server User-defined Functions Cutting Edge: Custom Provider Controls The XML Files: XML in Microsoft Office Word 2003 Advanced Basics: SQL Server Metadata The ASP Column: ATL Server Versus ASP.NET Bugslayer: Google from Visual Studio .NET ...
The Security pane of the project properties page is where most of the action takes place (see Figure 3). Here, you enable security settings and set the zone you're targeting for your application. For a sandbox app, you'd typically choose the Internet zone. You can...
One of the challenges inherent in any non-trivial project, especially those involving multiple developers, is code repetition. For example, Bob may need to format output, parse input, or perform a calculation the same way in multiple places in the system. Ideally, such similar code ...
One of the challenges inherent in any non-trivial project, especially those involving multiple developers, is code repetition. For example, Bob may need to format output, parse input, or perform a calculation the same way in multiple places in the system. Ideally, such similar code would be ...
A server running ASP.NET has its CPU shared among concurrent requests by way of a thread pool. The purpose of the thread pool is to efficiently allocate CPU time for processing requests with an upper limit on the total number of threads allocated. This is an important restriction to have ...
uri(URI.create("http://localhost:" + server.port() + "/my/resource")) .build(); HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString()); assertEquals("", response.body()); } private void mockWebServer() { server.stubFor(get("/my/...
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"Cheap poly pocket/plastic sleeve hack for storing small electronics/stuff... " I wanted to make tutorials for a long time, but due to a burnout, I've been unable to finish any project. Yesterday I was trying to find a solution to place all my resistors in one place, and I found ...
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Fallout: New Vegas Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Unique Weapons, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC Published: October 2, 2010 by Cheat Code Central Staff | Leave a comment Fallout: New Vegas Review Cheat Codes While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. The...