UKCC (1993) Code of Professional Conduct for the Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor . 3rd edn., UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, London.UKCC 1992a Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors . ( 3rd edition ). UKCC, London ....
The article reports on a review of the rulebook of the British Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in 2007. The rulebook sets standards of professional conduct for nurses and midwives. According to Joe Nichols, an NMC professional adviser, the Code of Conduct needs to be as clear and concise...
In addition, lectures on nursing ethics and values are commonly delivered by invited guests from The Gambia Nurses and Midwives Council and content is usually covered in one or two lecture sessions. These guest lecturers are usually not trained teachers and may not have the required skills for ...
The revision of the code of ethics for Japanese nurses: A critique of the revision draft and process Background: Considering ethical issues in midwifery care is essential for improving the quality of health services and the client's satisfaction. This stud... S Takahashi,M Ono,M Yahiro,......
In all, 66 health professionals were interviewed, of whom 62.1% were physicians, 18.2% nurses, 12.1% directors of establishments, and 7.6% midwives. Of the 330 mothers Discussion In Ecuador, the WHO Code is enshrined in Law No 101: Promotion, Support and Protection of Breastfeeding [22]. ...
13 Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals 31303 1 14 Physiotherapists 31202 1 15 Psychologists 31200 1 16 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 31301 1 17 Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine 31100 1 18 Specialists in surgery 31101 1 19 Therapists in cou...
The professions regulated by the code have various skills, knowledge and responsibility; however, they all practice ethics outlined in the NMC code and are accountable for their work based on the key provisions of the code (Snelling 2016). Only nurses, midwives and nursing associates who follow...
Aim: This study explores Australian clinical nurses' and midwives' familiarity with a new code of conduct and understanding in what ways the code is important for nurses as they carry out clinical practice. Background: Codes specify the expectations of nurses' responsibilities, legal requirements, ...
New National Code of Ethics for Nurses and MidwivesThe Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council has released new national codes of ethics and professional conduct for nurses and midwives, outlining appropriate ...