* @return: The length of longest common subsequence of A and B. */ publicintlongestCommonSubsequence(StringA,StringB) { intn=A.length(); intm=B.length(); intf[][]=newint[n+1][m+1]; for(inti=1;i<=n;i++){ for(intj=1;j<=m;j++){ f[i][j]=Math.max(f[i-1][j],f[...
Longest Increasing Subsequence,最长上升子序列 Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence,最长上升子序列和 Shortest Common Super-sequence,最短超级子序列 Minimum Deletions to Make a Sequence Sorted,最少删除变换出子序列 Longest Repeating Subsequence,最长重复子序列 Subsequence Pattern Matching,子序列匹配 Longest Bitonic ...
*@return: The length of longest common subsequence of A and B. */publicintlongestCommonSubsequence(String A, String B){intn=A.length();intm=B.length();intf[][] =newint[n +1][m +1];for(inti=1; i <= n; i++){for(intj=1; j <= m; j++){ f[i][j] = Math.max(f[i ...
* @param B: A string * @return: the length of the longest common substring.*/intlongestCommonSubstring(string&A,string&B) {//write your code hereintm =A.size();intn =B.size(); vector<vector<int> > dp(m+1,vector<int>(n+1));for(inti =0;i <= m;i++) dp[i][0] =0;for...
LeetCode 1143. Longest Common Subsequence最长公共子序列(Medium) LeetCode 718. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray最长公共子数组(Medium) 除了例题之外,LeetCode 上还有一些「子数组」类的题目: LeetCode 152. Maximum Subarray Product最大乘积子数组(Medium) ...
最长公共子序列 (Longest Common Subsequence) 背包问题:在有限的资源条件下,选择最优的物品组合。 0/1背包问题 完全背包问题 多重背包问题 编辑距离问题:涉及字符串之间的转换和操作。 编辑距离 (Edit Distance) 删除操作 (Delete Operation for Two Strings) ...
intlongestCommonSubsequence(stringtext1,stringtext2) { intlen1=text1.size(),len2=text2.size(); vector<vector<int>>dp(len1,vector<int>(len2)); dp[0][0]=text1[0]==text2[0]?1:0; for(inti=1;i<len1;i++) { if(text1[i]==text2[0])dp[i][0]=1; ...
for(intj =0; j <= n; j++) { // 计算 dp[i][j] ... } } 而循环里面的内容,照着子问题的递推关系填进去就可以了。这样,我们的题解代码可以很轻松地写出来: publicintlongestCommonSubsequence(String s, String t){ if(s.isEmpty || t.isEmpty) { ...
Longest Common Substring,最长相同子串 Longest Common Subsequence,最长相同子序列 Minimum Deletions & Insertions to Transform a String into another,字符串变换 Longest Increasing Subsequence,最长上升子序列 Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence,最长上升子序列和 Shortest Common Super-sequence,最短超级子序列 Minimum ...
Longest Common Subsequence,最长相同子序列 Minimum Deletions & Insertions to Transform a String into another,字符串变换 Longest Increasing Subsequence,最长上升子序列 Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence,最长上升子序列和 Shortest Common Super-sequence,最短超级子序列 Minimum Deletions to Make a Sequence Sorted,...