2019-07-19 - Developer Experience (DX) for Open-Source Projects: How to Engage Developers and Build a Growing Developer Community by William Cheng, 中野暁人 at Open Source Summit Japan 2019 2019-08-14 - Our OpenAPI journey with Standardizing SDKs by Sebastian Burgstaller at Bitmovin 2019-08-...
ハラスメントを受けた場合、他の誰かがハラスメントを受けていることに気づいた場合、またはその他の懸念がある場合は、ただちにカンファレンス スタッフまでお知らせいただくか、Contact_AISummit_Japan@nvidia.comまでメールでご連絡ください。匿名で報告する場合や、イベント中、すぐに対処...
Japan AISI CodeTitleDescriptionStatusSource AI Safety Evaluation v1.0.1 A guide to red teaming techniques for AI safety Presents basic concepts that those involved in the development and provision of AI systems can refer to when conducting AI Safety evaluations Published Source AI Safety RT v1.0.0...
The Linux Foundation'sGreg Kroah-Hartmandelivered a comprehensive talk this week on the current state and future challenges of Linux kernel security. Speaking at theOpen Source Summit (OSS) Japan 2023, Kroah-Hartman -- Linux stable kernel maintainer and a prominent member of the Linux kernel secu...
Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Kosovo, Latvia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The Code of Conduct is open for all Summit for Democracy participants to jo...
SAPORTL | Complete Summit Alliance Port Ltd. stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.
5:48p Trump’s upcoming crypto summit is in focus. Here are catalysts that could refuel bitcoin’s rally. 5:32p Barron's It’s Time to Buy Shares of This Bank ETF—Just Don’t Gorge 5:31p I signed a prenup, but my husband refuses to make a will or set up a trust. If he ...
2023Elul22: September10: EU Chief, Ursula Von Der Leyen declares at Session III of the 'One Future' G20 summit that: “Many of you are familiar with the COVID-19 digital certificate. The EU developed it for itself. The model was so functional and so trusted that 51 countries on 4 ...
2023. Special guest on Out of the Box TV, with host Manuel Cornelius Mittas, Germany. 2023. Special guest on Truth Filled Trajectory, with host Luemas Matua, Hawaii, USA. 2023. Leading co-host for a series of historical JFK Specials, interviewing the shooter behind the picket fence, James...
simulations of kinetic plasma optimized on 4 of the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world (Frontier, Fugaku, Summit, and Perlmutter). This accomplishment earned the WarpX development team and collaborators from France and Japan the Association for Computing Machinery’s prestigious Gordon Bell Prize ...