A new progress bar for all occassions... by Peter Mares A CStatic derived Progress bar control that can indicate "busy states" effectively and double up as a good looking progress bar A new software protection method (Objantihack) by kookoo This article intruduce you a new software encryptio...
A NestedRepeater Control for ASP.NET by meggash m A server control, similar to the ASP.NET Repeater in its principles, that can handle recursive (or hierachical) data. A new software protection method (Objantihack) by kookoo This article intruduce you a new software encryption method. A ...
While the GPU time is offered for free, they do offer certain recommendations. You should, as with Google Compute, monitor when you’re using GPU time and switch it off when you’re not. Even if it’s monetarily free, you’ll want to be careful with the time you’re allotted. The ...
The pro version of Google Colab, at $9.99 a month, is available in the United States and offers premium availability for Nvidia GPUs. It also offers more uptime (up to 24 hours) and more lax restrictions when it comes to idle times. You can also create your own deep learning hardware...