}privatebooleandfs(int[][] AdjacencyMatrix,int[] visited,inti){if(visited[i]==2)returnfalse;//在主循环的一轮dfs中访问了同一个节点两次,有回路 我明白了 这里主要是供下面那个dfs用的visited[i]=2;for(intj=0;j<AdjacencyMatrix.length;j++){//邻接矩阵行遍历if(AdjacencyMatrix[i][j]==1){if(...
AST leaves are embedded using the root-leaf paths in the AST. The modified structure-aware self-attention mechanism of this Transformer encoder utilizes code-AST/DFG linking information, leaf-leaf similarities in the AST, and the (asymmetric) DFG adjacency matrix to compute the attention matrix. ...
for(int i = 0; i < numRegions; i++) numBoundaries_ += regionList->GetRegionCount(i); //获取边界点总数 boundaries_ = new int [numBoundaries_]; for(i = 0; i < numBoundaries_; i++) boundaries_[i] = regionIndeces[i]; //赋予边界点在原始图像数据的索引值 (8) 存储分割后数据,数...
# Adjacency Matrix representation in PythonclassGraph(object):# Initialize the matrixdef__init__(self, size):self.adjMatrix = []foriinrange(size): self.adjMatrix.append([0foriinrange(size)]) self.size = size# Add edgesdefadd_edge(self, v1, v2):ifv1 == v2:print("Same vertex %d ...
As you can see in this example we have created a graph using an asymmetric adjacency matrix. Using the graph object returned by graph() we can add weights to its edges. for further reading please visit:- Graph Documentation 0 件のコメント サインインしてコメントする。サ...
We propose a kernel function to embed the social interactions between pedestrians within the adjacency matrix.Our model inference speed is 0.002s/frame (500Hz) using only 7.6K parameters.CitaionYou can cite our paper using:@inproceedings{mohamed2020social, title={Social-STGCNN: A Social Spatio-...
Give an algorithm which executes in O(n) time and determines whether or not an undisputed champion exists. Assume that you are given the graph described above in the form of an n × n adjacency matrix M and assume M[p, p] is 1 for all p (i.e. each participant defeated themselves...
Multi-Spatio-temporal Fusion Graph Recurrent Network for Traffic forecastingno code implementations • 3 May 2022 • Wei Zhao, Shiqi Zhang, Bing Zhou, Bei Wang The network proposes a data-driven weighted adjacency matrix generation method to compensate for real-time spatial dependencies not ...
We study the number of minimal codewords in binary linear codes that arise by appending a unit matrix to the adjacency matrix of a graph.doi:10.1016/j.dam.2021.12.015Sascha KurzElsevier BVDiscrete Applied Mathematics
adj.npy: the biggest Adjacency Matrix built from dataset graph_label.npy: the label of every sub_graph sub_adj.npy: the Adjacency Matrix of subgraph through sampling features.npy: the pre-processed features of each subgraph Datasets MUTAG: The MUTAG dataset consists of 188 chemical compounds div...