The following diagram shows how the authorization code flow works:Pre-requisitesThis guide assumes that:You have read the authorization guide. You have created an app following the apps guide.ExampleYou can find an example app implementing Authorization Code flow on GitHub in the web-api-examples ...
flow_view(rle,engine="plantuml") Additional functions flow_run()to display not only the diagram, but the logical path taken by a specific call flow_compare_runs()display the logical path of 2 calls to see where they diverge flow_debug()/flow_undebug()to use basically useflow_run()on ...
The auth code flow requires a user-agent that supports redirection from the authorization server (the Microsoft identity platform) back to your application. For example, a web browser, desktop, or mobile application operated by a user to sign in to your app and access their data....
The filter argument to this script is a filter for the fonts to patch. The filter is a regex (glob * is expressed as [^/]*, see `man 7 glob`) All font files that start with that filter (and are ttf, otf, or sfd files) will be processed only. Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-...
In the following example, the method HandleClick takes a MouseEventArgs parameter in the same way as an ordinary click event handler, but it also accepts a string parameter. The method processes the click event as before, but also displays the message if the user has pressed...
For example, if your model's URL is, your embed code would be: <script src=""></script> By default, the embedded renderer is 420 pixels wide by...
Single process in a fictitious hotel using data flow diagram notation." [Event partitioning. Wikipedia] The DFD example "Last resort hotel book room process" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Data Flow Diagrams solution from the Software...
Enter the code block from your response into PlantText or in the notebook run the cell under the headingShow PlantUML diagram. For our example, PlantUML rendered the following diagram. The main class isCompany. It can belong to anExclusionList. It is associated withSector,...
The following example uses a refresh_token to request a new access token. The POST includes the requiredgrant_typeandrefresh_tokenparameters, but none of the optional parameters. Typically, this format is used when the original request specified the resource and there's no need to include it ag...
This repository implements a data analytics chatbot based on the Assistants API. The chatbot can answer questions in natural language, and interpret them as queries on an example sales dataset. This document focused on instructions forazd. To discover how to evaluate and...