1437 3 [ 284, 130, 454, 163, 261, 317, 303, 500, 421, 398, 313, 166, 54, 327 ] It should work for random tests too: expected 1375 to equal null Why null ??? We have 3 way and we can get 1375 mls. sry. I modified the input list of distances....
I did this Kata in Java, and the test case works correctly if I add import sumofk.SumOfK; However, when I go to submit it has an error not able to find the symbol SumOfK. Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with the submit test case? Thanks. user6361752 (2 ky...
Where can I find a tutorial of Mach3 version g code beyond just the quick reference available from the button on the Mach3 screen? Many of the posts here are helpful, but assume a prior knowledge of the basics (i.e. of syntax and allowable commands for subroutines) which I don't ...