1、首先在win10系统桌面开始图标里,搜索框输入cmd。2、然后在win10系统桌面中,点击cmd选项。3、接着在cmd窗口中,输入“services.msc”。3、其次在服务界面中,选择“Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)”选项。4、最后在服务界面中,右键点击“启动”选项即可。
The scanner is not working. I keep getting an error saying that the Scanner is turned off and the USB is disconnected. Neither are true. The printing function works and
MODEL: MG2922 ISSUE: Printer can print just fine but unable to connect to scanner. ERROR CODE: 5 156 69 CONNECTION TYPE: USB PROCESSOR: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @
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佳能 打印机,mg2580能打印能复印,就是不能扫描,点击扫描提示,code;5,156,69是因为未开启“Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)”服务。开启服务即可。工具/材料:win10系统。1、首先在win10系统桌面开始图标里,搜索框输入cmd。2、然后在win10系统桌面中,点击cmd选项。3、接着在cmd窗口中,输入“...