GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
This raised the question "what if such an editor existed?", a question that led to the creation of this concept, which our project aims to make a reality.MissionIt is our commitment to keep CodeEdit open source and free forever, supported by the community....
Microsoft tools like Visual Studio IntelliCode, GitHub repos, and DirectX graphical power let you achieve more—regardless of how you prefer to code.
Github官网发布公告,陪伴开发者走过11年的文本编辑器 Atom 即将正式谢幕。今后,在代码编辑器这一块,恐怕就是 VS Code一家独大了。这份公告中,除了宣布Atom即将告别的消息外,还为目前Atom下的项目和资源库留出了6个月的缓冲期。Github表示,将在2022年12月15日将基于Atom下的所有项目归档。十一年,终告别:还...
I love it. It's esspecally great for my open source projects, no need to install anything on my local machine. Just paste my GitHub URL and Codeanywhere takes care of the rest. Marko Bozic Director of Engineering at Noom The ability to have a VS Code like editor on any of my devices...
Edit, debug, and deploy on Azure with Visual Studio Code, a powerful code editor that works with nearly any language and runs on any OS.
Edit, debug, and deploy on Azure with Visual Studio Code, a powerful code editor that works with nearly any language and runs on any OS.
SymbolEditor:根据修改计划,对所负责的代码Symbol进行修改,返回修改补丁。 团队为不同的Agent配备了相应的工具集以支撑其完成指定任务,各Agent配备的工具集如下表所示。 值得注意的是,团队并没有令每个Agent都拥有所有工具的使用权,而是尝试限制各个Agent的能力和职责范围,从而降低单个Agent解决当前环节问题的难度,以提高...
解决真实GitHub Issue的基准测试,字节家的豆包MarsCode Agent悄悄登顶了。 SWE-Bench,一个由普林斯顿大学提出的极具挑战性的Benchmark,近期受到工业界、学术界和创业团队的广泛关注。 在其子集SWE-Bench Lite排行榜上,豆包MarsCode Agent近期冲上第一。 虽然这是面向所有大模型解决方案的评测,但现在排名靠前的部分已...
SymbolEditor:根据修改计划,对所负责的代码Symbol进行修改,返回修改补丁。 团队为不同的Agent配备了相应的工具集以支撑其完成指定任务,各Agent配备的工具集如下表所示。 值得注意的是,团队并没有令每个Agent都拥有所有工具的使用权,而是尝试限制各个Agent的能力和职责范围,从而降低单个Agent解决当前环节问题的难度,以提高...