参数agent_is_active可以设置为UVM_ACTIVE或UVM_PASSIVE。默认值为 UVM_ACTIVE。将 agent_is_active 标志设置为 UVM_PASSIVE 就是通过配置顶层验证环境来实现的。 Filename clkndata.tpl ... agent_is_active = UVM_PASSIVE ... Filename top_tb.sv module top_tb; ... top_config env_config; initial be...
mailbox gen2driv; mailbox driv2in_mon; function new(virtual intf vif,mailbox gen2driv,driv2in_mon ); this.vif = vif; this.gen2driv = gen2driv; this.driv2in_mon = driv2in_mon; endfunction task reset; vif.start <= 0; vif.rstN <= 1; #10; vif.rstN <= 0; #10; vif.rstN...
You are now ready to run the simulation and inspect the functional coverage reports. In order to make it easier to interpret the simulation log, you might want to adjust the verbosity threshold for UVM_INFO messages to suppress all superfluous messages. This can be done by adjusting the simula...
uvm_reg_predictor bus_agent (uvm_agent) ↳ bus_sequencer bus_driver (uvm_driver) bus_monitor (uvm_monitor) bus_coverage (uvm_subscriber) bus_env_coverage (uvm_subscriber) ↳ top_default_seq (created in run_phase, class uvm_sequence) ↳ bus_env_default_seq (uvm_sequence) ↳ regist...
Testbench development is accelerated with the assistance of built-in verification plans, functional coverage, example tests and comprehensive collection of sequences. View Source Code Test Suites USB4, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.0 full description to... see the entire Source Code Test Suites USB4, ...
仿真产生的coverage data会放在simv.vdb目录下,用“dve -covdir *.vdb”会以GUI形式打开 coverage 相关命令 产生coverage report的命令 urg -lca -dir <simv1.vdb simv2.vdb ….> -format <text|html|both> -log <log_file_name> -report 例如: urg -lca -dir simv.vdb -format text -log urg.lo...
http://www.cvcblr.com/trng_profiles/cvc_in_cfv_profile.pdf If you can decipher each topic one by one (you may start with a small design like parallel-to-serial converter like you said), then you are fine. You seem to be on right track - look at code coverage, add more checkers...
http://www.cvcblr.com/trng_profiles/cvc_in_cfv_profile.pdf If you can decipher each topic one by one (you may start with a small design like parallel-to-serial converter like you said), then you are fine. You seem to be on right track - look at code coverage, add more checkers...
the library for hardware development in Python Keywords Metaprogramming (Hardware Construction Language HCL, templatization) + HLS. Simulator API, UVM Buildtool, IP core generator How HWT can help you? The lower layer (IR, HDL serializers) is a shield against a problems related to VHDL/Verilog...
This means it is a little bit slower to write a prototype than you would in HLS, but you always know what, how and why is happening. Digital circuit simulator with UVM like verification environment (example usage CAM, structWriter_test.py) Tools for static analysis (resourceAnalyzer, example...