Entity Logo is the URL of the logo of the service entity responsible for the listing. It should begin withhttps://. Ideally the image this points to is a vector-based SVG so it can be scaled to any size. Additionally, the image should be square, and have a transparent background. Fin...
Transparent solution To keep external contributors happy the developers could manually change the url in .gitmodules from HTTPS to SSH for every cloned project. However, it’s quite tedious. The better solution is an usage of pushInsteadOf. For the aforementioned example, the developers need only...
Nous pouvons créer un fond transparent en utilisant la propriétéopacityen CSS. Nous pouvons utiliser cette propriété sur n’importe quel élément en HTML et rendre l’arrière-plan transparent. La propriétéopacitydéfinit l’opacité d’un élément. Il est chargé de définir le degré de...