controlbuoy controlcorrectionvect controldesigner controled offence controleert controlemechanisme controlfootfall controlinstrumentatio controllability and s controllable leds controllag controlled airport ar controlled atmosphere controlled bursts controlled corporatio controlled crossing controlled cycle controlled elect...
4.3.2 An Error Correction Example In fact, the repetition code can correct a superposition of errors. This is more realistic than depending on an error aifecting only one qubit. It also illuminates some quantum behaviors. Like any other quantum state, the error may be a superposition, such ...
For example, in the appropriate context (r2>0 andr5= 4), an optimizer might replacemult r2, r5⇒ r17withlshiftI r2, 2 ⇒ r17. This change replaces a multicycle integer multiply with a single-cycle shift operation and reduces demand for registers. In most cases, this rewrite is profi...
——The single biggest activity on most projects is debugging and correcting code that doesn't work properly.Debugging and associated refactoring and other rework consume about 50 percent of the time on a traditional,naive software-development cycle. ——Software projects with the lowest levels of d...
2 For differentially expressed genes: identification of non-additive genes. This step is done with a two-way ANOVA (MATLAB functionanova2), and subsequent correction of thePvalues through the functionmafdr(Benjamini–Hocheberg) and a significance threshold of 5%. ...
In an error-correction cycle taking only 1.1 μs, we demonstrate the preservation of four cardinal states of the logical qubit. Repeatedly executing the cycle, we measure and decode both bit-flip and phase-flip error syndromes using a minimum-weight perfect-matching algorithm in an error-...
intercept: intercept of Kendall-Theil Robust Line, for seasonal test, full period cycle consider as unit time step sen's slope function required data vector. seasonal sen's slope also has optional input period, which by the default value is 12. Both sen's slope function return only slope va...
For example, the `\fmtfont{1:7}{the name of}{\em}` in the book of Daniel will print the words \"the name of\thinspace " in italics (to indicate the word not in original language), because `\em` is an intelligent italics switch (it automatically adds the italics correction `\/`...
✔️[GazeCorrection:Self-Guided Eye Manipulation in the wild using Self-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks] [Paper][code] ✔️[MGGR: MultiModal-Guided Gaze Redirection with Coarse-to-Fine Learning] [Paper] ✔️[Dual In-painting Model for Unsupervised Gaze Correction and Animation ...