常用快捷键:Ctrl+F9(Build,编译与链接)、F9(Build and Run,编译、链接与运行)。Ctrl+Shift+C(注释选中代码)、Ctrl+Shift+X(取消注释高亮代码)。Ctrl+Shift+L(删除当前行)、Ctrl+L(剪切当前行)、Ctrl+D(复制当前行)。 本篇博客主要参考资料:CodeBlocks for C/C++ Programming. How To Install and Get Star...
安装方法有以下几种a、终端安装,输入命令:sudo apt-get install codeblocks,这个命令目前默认的可能是codeblocks16.01版本。b、也可以用打开软件中心,搜codeblocks软件,然后安装。c、用以下命令:sudo apt-get install synaptic 先安装新立得软件包然后用新立得软件包(synaptic)安装codeblocks软件。d、也可以在官...
下载:http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26官方目前的说明如下 NOTE: The codeblocks-12.11mingw-setup.exe file includes the GCC compiler and GDB debugger fromTDM-GCC(点version 4.7.1, 32 bit). NOTE: The codeblocks-12.11(mingw)-setup_user.exe will NOT request ADMIN rights and can be instal...
解决上面问题的方法: yum install gamin* make -j5 make install 5.安装好codeblocks后,在application下会出现programming菜单项,在这里可以启动codeblocks. 有时候也会出现无法启动的情况,需要这样做: vim /etc/ld.so.conf 最后一行添加:/usr/local/lib 保存退出,然后运行/sbin/ldconfig 即可。 6.安装一下xterm:...
Code::bloc..code::blocks 可以单独执行文件,但不能调试,若需要调试则需要建立工程调试方法File - New - Project,然后选工程类型,建控制台工程就选Console application
- Download and install the latest epel-release rpm from http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/epel-release-7-1.noarch.rpm - Install wxGTK rpm package: # yum install wxGTK - Search "codeblocks" in software center, and install the listed packages....
1. Install the compiler. sudo apt-get install build-essential 2. Install the debugger. sudo apt-get install gdb You'll need to install wxWidgets to use Codeblocks. Revisions prior to revision 4051 use wxWidgets 2.6 and revisions from 4051 and after use wxWidgets 2.8.4. If you want to ...
1 sudo apt-get install codeblocks 但是这种方法安装的通常不是最新版本(一般是13.12) 需要下载最新版本的需要到Download the binary release界面选择对应的压缩文件下载。 解压后文件夹中会有很多.deb包。 除了“codeblocks_--version--_--architecture--.deb” 是Code::Blocks主程序之外,其余都是软件依赖,需要按...
When you want to uncomment lines, you can select them, and then choose the Uncomment the selected lines button on the Text Editor toolbar. If you prefer to use the keyboard, select Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U.Collapse code blocksWe don't want to see the empty constructor that was generated for Clas...