VSCode codeActionsOnSave是Visual Studio Code编辑器中的一个设置选项,用于在保存文件时执行特定的代码操作。它允许开发者定义在保存文件时自动执行的操作,以提高开发效率和代码质量。 忽略特定文件是指在保存文件时不执行codeActionsOnSave操作的文件。这在某些情况下非常有用,例如当某些文件不需要进行自动格式化或代码修...
Debug 和 Release 并没有本质的区别,他们只是VC预定义提供的两组编译选项的集合,编译器只是按照预定的...
Issue #88131 describes potential problems with VS Code's default ordering of the editor.codeActionsOnSave setting. This PR fixes #88131 by adding support for that setting to be an array of strings...
..."editor.formatOnSave":true,"editor.codeActionsOnSave":{"source.fixAll.eslint":true},... 貌似这两条配置都是用于保存时 lint 的,而第二条配置里面包含 eslint 的文本,所以我把第一条配置给注释了,然后重新做 onSave lint,结果是好的。
Check for existing issues Completed Describe the feature See this comment: #4325 (comment) Short version: eslint-vscode allows users to configure which rules to respect when doing --fix on save. Like this: { "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {...
Explicit ordering for Code Actions on saveYou can now set editor.codeActionsOnSave to an array of Code Actions to execute in order. You can use this to guarantee that a specific Code Action is always run before or after another one that may conflict with it....
The existing delete word actions will either delete from the current cursor position to the start of the word (for example Ctrl+Backspace on Windows/Linux) or to the end of the word (Ctrl+Delete on Windows/Linux). There is now a new command that will delete the entire word under the ...
If you find that you do not have a Save Actions preference under Java--> Editor, it may be because you are using an older version of Eclipse. In that case you can install the Format on save plugin from here. Then, under Preferences, choose Java --> Format on save. Select the Run ...
Actions展开表 Assign Assessments This endpoint will assign the given assessment to the specified users/teams. Returns a list of users that were assigned to the assessment with their email, inviteUrl and status indicating whether invite email was sent. Create a team This is used to create a ...