Status code: 550 5.0.350The error reported by the receiving server wasn't specific enough to determine the exact nature of the problem. These errors often indicate the message violates a security or policy setting configured on the recipient's email servers. If the sender is unable to fix the...
We see about 90% power when there are either 50 or 100 cases from department B (i.e., 550-600 total including the 500 from department A). With trials_B <- 1000 it’s a bit noisy but still apparent that the power drops as we add cases from B and then rises again along a U-...
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Status Quo --embed-subs is currently for videos only Some audio file formats and in particular the ID3 metadata format supports to embed timecoded lyrics, see: And some audio players show you these lyrics nicely...
ja 264 1188 231 342 144 1017 953 3040 274 228 157 623 24 1274 -- 372 654 140 302 424 2 266 1014 152 706 269 1517 2 550 571 109 387 950 425 641 425 305 5 1242 1013 797 49 908 25 33 rn 423 876 188 298 100 240 209 1878 735 183 485 489 107 994 372 -- 283 106 242 36...
ActionNotTakenFileUnavailable550 指定无法对指定文件执行请求的操作,原因是该文件不可用。 ActionNotTakenFileUnavailableOrBusy450 指定无法对指定文件执行请求的操作,原因是该文件不可用或正在使用中。 ActionNotTakenInsufficientSpace452 指示不能执行请求的操作,因为服务器上没有足够的空间。
MailboxUnavailable550 The destination mailbox was not found or could not be accessed. UserNotLocalTryAlternatePath551 The user mailbox is not located on the receiving server. You should resend using the supplied address information. ExceededStorageAllocation552 ...
550 static class MapDifferenceImpl<K, V> implements MapDifference<K, V> { 551 final Map<K, V> onlyOnLeft; 552 final Map<K, V> onlyOnRight; 553 final Map<K, V> onBoth; 554 final Map<K, ValueDifference<V>> differences; 555 ...
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