Fix: mathematical skills. a^n = (1/a)^(-n)if(n > 0)returnpower(x, n);elsereturnpower(1/x, n);2. basecase "if (n == 1)" is not useful when n is negative!!!it could incure infinite recursive call. Runtime Error Message: Line88: java.lang.StackOverflowError Last executed inp...
Error -50 trying to move or copy files from WD External to new MacBook Air Help anyone! I have a fairly new WD External drive with all my life on it, the brand new MacBook Air I just purchased can see the files but every time I try to move or copy any of them I get an error...
(The theoretical limit to width or height is the largest positive integer — divided by 20 to allow for twips, but you will hit memory limits long before reaching this size.) SWF 10 (Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5) the maximum size for a BitmapData object is 8,191 pixels in width or heig...
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