{ "code": -404, "message": "啥都木有", "ttl": 1 } 这个结构清晰地展示了每个字段及其对应的值。 2. 理解错误代码-404的含义 在HTTP协议中,404状态码代表“未找到”。虽然这里的错误代码是-404(可能是某个特定应用或API中的自定义代码),但通常它的含义与HTTP 404相同,即请求的资源无法找到。 3. ...
Hello, I'm following this tutorial for testing the capabilities of Draco: (https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/draco-3d/index.html#4) When I need to decode the file in the web browser I get this error message: Serving HTTP on...
云效代码域流水线的缓存上传步骤的时候报错,这个是什么原因?[10:07:14] Error: oss: service returned error: StatusCode=403, ErrorCode=InvalidAccessKeyId, ErrorMessage="The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.", RequestId=6674E052D7684F3830B04403, File=/root/workspace/p...
NotFoundError: Error code: 404 - {'error': {'code': '404', 'message': 'Resource not found'}} 0 votesReport a concern navba-MSFT 27,340Reputation points•Microsoft Employee Sep 5, 2024, 3:43 PM @Zhou, Jie (周杰)Thanks for getting back and clarifying. Please use eithe...
域名有误 看下域名解析是否正确
I encountered below NotFoundError when running langchain tutorial program (code: model.invoke(messages). Please help and advise, thanks. NotFoundError: Error code: 404 - {'error': {'code': '404', 'message': 'Resource not found'} LangChain tutorial…
Hey guys, I'm trying to create a new speaker profile using the speaker identifier API. This is my code The response I get {"error":{"code":"404","message": "Resource not found"}} Any idea why is that? Thanks azure Reply
however when using the same model for auto merging I getError code: 404 - {'error': {'code': '404', 'message': 'Resource not found'}}. Here are the parts of the code: from llama_index.llms import AzureOpenAI # engine is the deployment_name and model is "gpt-35-turbo" # the...
server.rewritebasePath: false elasticsearch.hosts: ["es的地址"] 访问http://ip:5601/kibana 返回:{statuscode :404,error: Not Found, message:Not Found}写回答 关注 1回答 程sir 2020-11-02 23:23:48 这个意思是接收到的请求它找不到 你试试http://$ip:5601/status 0 0 Elastic...