错误中的“unknown user”表明Nacos服务器不认识尝试访问的用户。 2. 理解HTTP 403错误码的含义 HTTP 403错误码表示服务器理解请求但拒绝执行。这通常是由于权限问题导致的,即用户没有足够的权限来访问所请求的资源。 3. 分析导致“unknown user”消息的可能原因 用户名或密码错误:在尝试访问Nacos服务时,提供的用户...
A page can have only one server-side Form tag error message when i try and use a web user control in my master page A potentially dangerous request.form was detected from the client A ref or out argument must be an assignable variable A route named ' ' could not be found in the rout...
Forbidden 403 The server refuses to fulfill the request. NotFound 404 The requested resource does not exist on the server. MethodNotAllowed 405 The HTTP method in the request is not allowed on the requested resource. NotAcceptable 406 The client has indicated with Accept headers that it will ...
MediaNotAcceptable 403 MediaUnspecified 404 UserTerminated 501 UserNoanswer 502 UserIgnore 503 UserDecline 504 LowBattery 505 BlacklistedCallId 506 UserTerminatedByRemote 510 UserRejectedSessionModification 511 UserCancelledSessionModification 512 UtNotSupported 801 UtServiceUnavailable 802 ...
403 The user cancels the measurement on the device. Measurement failed. 404 A higher-priority feature is in progress on the wearable device. Device not being worn. 405 Prompt the user to wear the wearable device. Device not being worn properly. 406 Prompt the user to adjust how they wea...
Equivalent to HTTP status 403.Forbiddenindicates that the server refuses to fulfill the request. NotFound404 Equivalent to HTTP status 404.NotFoundindicates that the requested resource does not exist on the server. MethodNotAllowed405 Equivalent to HTTP status 405.MethodNotAllowedindicates that the re...
Defines the exception codes that are used to define the exceptions that are thrown when you are working with a Management Pack. To get the message for the exception code, pass the code into the GetMessage(ManagementPackExceptionCode) method....
If an error occurs in API calling and no result is returned, you can locate the cause based on the error code of each API. The returned message body contains the specific
1.4.2 403 Error Is Displayed on the Service Access PageSymptom When you access a service, the 403 error is displayed on the page.Impact on the System All services are unavailable.Possible Causes The DCCF2Stage service fails to call the IAM API....
Error codeMessageDescription 0x8024E001WU_E_EE_UNKNOWN_EXPRESSIONAn expression evaluator operation couldn't be completed because an expression was unrecognized. 0x8024E002WU_E_EE_INVALID_EXPRESSIONAn expression evaluator operation couldn't be completed because an expression was invalid. ...