00405030s1 dd300405034s2 dd400405038s3 dd10040503C s4 dd1moveax, s200401008addeax, s3 0040100Esubeax, s400401014addeax,3400401017movs1,eax OK the compiler optimizes the code a little bit, but it�s still very easy to understand. The first thing the compiler does is load upeax, with ...
Listing 5.21:Result of executing the program shown in Listing 5.20 401000 push ebp 401001 mov ebp, esp 401003 sub esp, 0Ch 401006 mov dword ptr [ebp - 4], 0Ah 40100d mov dword ptr [ebp - 8], 0Bh 401014 mov dword ptr [ebp - 0Ch], 0Ch 40101b mov eax, [ebp - 0Ch] 40101e...
2f 73 68 40100e: 57 push %rdi 40100f: 54 push %rsp 401010: 5f pop %rdi 401011: 6a 3b pushq $0x3b 401013: 58 pop %rax 401014: 99 cltd 401015: 0f 05 syscall === 23 Bytes Shellcode === \x48\x31\xf6\x56\x48\xbf\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x57\x54\x5f\x6...
编译时becomes00405030 S1年300405034 S2年400405038 S3 DD 10040503C S4 1日 ; MOV EAX,S200401008添加EAX,S30040100E SUB EAX,S400401014添加EAX,34S1,EAX 00401017 MOV 行编译器优化代码一点点,但它仍然很容易理解。编译器的第一件事是负载了EAX,与MOV EAX值S2,S2现在EAX持有4,接下来的事情我们要做的就...