针对你提出的错误响应 {"code": 401, "msg": "未能读取到有效 token", "data": null},我们可以按照以下步骤进行诊断和解决: 1. 确认错误来源 分析错误响应:首先,确认这个错误响应是来自哪个服务或API。了解错误发生的上下文对于后续的诊断至关重要。 2. 检查Token有效性 验证Token是否存在:确保客户端在发送请求...
访问接口页面报{“msg”:“invalid token”,“code”:401} 检查步骤: 1.检查接口处的@RequiresPermissions(“”)权限控制是否注释 2.shiroFilter.class中是否开放了接口 3.检查访问路径,及配置文件中的接口配置 由于以上的配置文件处写多了x... 查看原文 springboot结合jwt实现权限认证 可直接被用于认证,也可被...
排序 默认正序 回复倒序 点赞倒序 {{userPopoverData.nickname}} LV.{{userPopoverData.bbs_level_info.bbs_level }} {{userPopoverData.title || '暂无简介' }} 回答 {{userPopoverData.posts_count || 0}} 发布 {{userPopoverData.thread_count || 0}} 粉丝 {{userPopoverData.fans_num || ...
我做的项目是登录成功返回一个身份验证信息token,我将token保存在本地session中,然后在配置axios的http.js文件中将token赋值给一个变量,然后在拦截器判断是否存在token,这里是通过变量获取的 代码如下 然后登录成功之后跳转到主页面继而调用接口获取用户信息,此时报...jmeter401未授权的访问 之前使用jmeter进行数据获取一...
java token过期 code 401 问题点: 1:我们在Swagger授权时往往要输入前缀,感觉比较麻烦 2:Token过期,前端页面没有跳转只是抛一个异常,需要刷新一下再登录才行,体验差 private const string MyAllowSpecificOrigins = "_myAllowSpecificOrigins"; public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)...
If you receive a 401 status code when calling the OCR service using a token, it means that the token has expired. To continue using the OCR service, you should obtain a new token. The retry mechanism has been configured in the OCR SDK to update the token. If the token is invalid ...
Failed to call Azure OpenAI API: { "statusCode": 401, "message": "Unauthorized. Access token is missing, invalid, audience is incorrect (https://cognitiveservices.azure.com), or have expired." }
401denotes the the request was unauthorised Logic would dictate a request failing to provide a token is401not authorised rather then400badly formed. Clients accessing a RESTful resource expect response codes to explain correctly what has happened. In this case authentication failure. The client can ...
However, when I tried to use exactly the same token to verify a device ID, I got a 401 response here is my payload for the request Code Block https://api.devicecheck.apple.com/v1/validate_device_tokenIt's my code: Code Block now = int(time.time()) expire_time = now + 20 ...
if (userToken is null || !userToken.RefreshTokenIsAvailable || userToken.UserId != userId) { throw new ErrorCodeException(-1, "Refresh Token 无效"); throw new ErrorCodeException(401, "Refresh Token 无效"); }// RefreshToken 有效期为一个月 ...