status === 401) { // 刷新Token的逻辑 refreshToken() .then(newToken => { // 使用新Token重新请求资源 fetch('', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + newToken } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => ...
zhangdaiscott xiamaocheng commentedon Feb 29, 2024 xiamaocheng 1.将对应的CommonConstant (TOKEN_IS_INVALID_MSG)的引用类注释掉,如下: 1.1 1.2 复写验证使其返回通过 1.3 修改Tokentils文件: 2.更改对应的Shiro 文件: 增加过滤器: 3.結果如下:
刚启动 出这个,{"code":401,"message":"未登录或token过期,请登录!"},大佬们帮忙解决一下呗请登录后查看 CRMEB官方 最后编辑于2022-11-07 20:16:18 快捷回复 回复 回复回复({{post_count}}) {{!is_user ? '我的回复' :'全部回复'}} 排序 默认正序 回复倒序 点赞倒序 {{userPopoverData.nickname...
o.TokenValidationParameters = tokenValidationParameters; o.Events = new JwtBearerEvents { OnAuthenticationFailed = context => { // 如果过期,则把<是否过期>添加到,返回头信息中 //if (context.Exception.GetType() == typeof(SecurityTokenExpiredException)) //{ // context.Response.Headers.Add("Token...
INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST https://[azureopenai-resourcename] "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" Error code: 401 - {'statusCode': 401, 'message': 'Unauthorized. Access token is missing, invali...
There are several reasons.A token is valid for 24 hours. If you receive a 401 status code when calling the OCR service using a token, it means that the token has expired.
throw new ErrorCodeException(-1, "Refresh Token 无效"); throw new ErrorCodeException(401, "Refresh Token 无效"); }// RefreshToken 有效期为一个月 if (userToken.CreatedAt < DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)) { throw new ErrorCodeException(-1, "Refresh Token 已过期"); ...
So we recommended them to follow the pattern to cache the access token and use it to call the APIs until it return 401. When they get the 401 event, their app should use the refresh token to get a new access token and retry the request. It work...
However, when I tried to use exactly the same token to verify a device ID, I got a 401 response here is my payload for the request Code Block's my code: Code Block now = int(time.time()) expire_time = now + 20 ...
未登录或token过期,请登录 管理 管理 编辑 删除 神经蛙 多店版 v 2.6 2023-12-13 17:37:34 其他 问题分析: 现在登录缓存是redis的 (1)这种情况应该是redis缓存问题(按下面方法操作) (2)还有可能是redis异常(可以查看redis日志) (3)或者磁盘满了(可以适当删除无用日志,或者其他备份等文件) 可以试着先...