New SlangLists about the hippest lingo that has slipped through the lips of people all around the world and throughout history that will have you going "WTF m8?" Police Slang You Should Know Common Slang in Every US State What Today's Kids Are Saying The Funniest Ways to Say '...
Vote on the cop lingo and slang that you didn't know. Every profession has its jargon or code words - but police slang can be particularly colorful. Whether the code words refer to vehicles, the actions of fellow officers, or the behavior of suspects, the slang is difficult for ...
Vote on the cop lingo and slang that you didn't know. Every profession has its jargon or code words - but police slang can be particularly colorful. Whether the code words refer to vehicles, the actions of fellow officers, or the behavior of suspects, the slang is difficult for ...
Vote on the cop lingo and slang that you didn't know. Every profession has its jargon or code words - but police slang can be particularly colorful. Whether the code words refer to vehicles, the actions of fellow officers, or the behavior of suspects, the slang is difficult for ...
Vote on the cop lingo and slang that you didn't know. Every profession has its jargon or code words - but police slang can be particularly colorful. Whether the code words refer to vehicles, the actions of fellow officers, or the behavior of suspects, the slang is difficult for ...
Vote on the cop lingo and slang that you didn't know. Every profession has its jargon or code words - but police slang can be particularly colorful. Whether the code words refer to vehicles, the actions of fellow officers, or the behavior of suspects, the slang is difficult for ...
Vote on the cop lingo and slang that you didn't know. Every profession has its jargon or code words - but police slang can be particularly colorful. Whether the code words refer to vehicles, the actions of fellow officers, or the behavior of suspects, the slang is difficult for ...
Vote on the cop lingo and slang that you didn't know. Every profession has its jargon or code words - but police slang can be particularly colorful. Whether the code words refer to vehicles, the actions of fellow officers, or the behavior of suspects, the slang is difficult for ...
Bear In The Air Meaning:Apolice aircraftused to monitor traffic. Use It In A Sentence:"I was cruising along at 90 miles per hour without a care in the world until I was spotted by a bear in the air." 98 votes Is this real trucker slang?