0x14 NDIS_BUGCHECK_WAIT_EVENT_HIGH_IRQL An NDIS driver called NdisWaitEvent at an illegal IRQL The actual IRQL 0 0 0x15 NDIS_BUGCHECK_INVALID_NDIS5_CALL A miniport driver called an API that is reserved for older drivers. The driver should only call NDIS 6.x APIs. The address of the ...
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I'm a stupid twat. Spent at least three hours today, all wasted. I had to update a user manual and change all the branding for a system I've licencesd and going to resell to my dumb clients. There was no original to work from only a pdf. Managed to convert it to word but all...
Install Microsoft Excel 2016 Open Licence on WIndows 2012 R2 Terminal Server Install Remote desktop Quick Start dilemma Install Remote Desktop Services Failed on Windows 2012 Server Install software only for current user in terminal server Install updated GoDaddy Certificate for RDC on 2012r2 Installing...
1. Nvidia starts fucking supporting the linux community with open source mainlined drivers that support GBM. 2. All five eyes countries apply some proper privacy protection laws. Other countries would be appreciated. 3. 5G and other core future tech standards are implemented under open firmware/ha...
Structural variations (SVs) and copy number variations (CNVs) contribute to trait variations in fleshy-fruited species. Here, we assemble 10 genomes of genetically diverse Malus accessions, including the ever-green cultivar ‘Granny Smith’ and the widel
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please follow the steps below as a test:1. Open services.msc2. Make sure Superfetch service startup type is Automatic and is in a running state.3. Please open %windir%\panther, find a file named setup.etl, rename the file to setup.old and press Enter to confirm the action....
See: Impact of Session 0 Isolation on Services and Drivers in Windows Vista. As a general rule, windows services should never do this as it opens the door to shatter attacks. You should re-consider this effort. Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:11 AM Hello, I wonder why but the following ...
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