一个封锁操作被对 WSACancelBlockingCall 的调用中断 ErrorCode=10004 C#中在使用UDPClient循环监听端口,在断开UPDClient的时候,使用try...catch捕获了异常,System.NET.Sockets.SocketException“一个封锁操作被对 WSACancelBlockingCall 的调用中断”,ErrorCode=10004。 接收时的代码如下: IPEndPoint ipendpoint =newIPEndPo...
一个封锁操作被对 WSACancelBlockingCall 的调用中断 ErrorCode=10004 C#中在使用UDPClient循环监听端口,在断开UPDClient的时候,使用try...catch捕获了异常,System.NET.Sockets.SocketException“一个封锁操作被对 WSACancelBlockingCall 的调用中断”,ErrorCode=10004。 接收时的代码如下: IPEndPoint ipendpoint =newIPEndPo...
Zoom Error Code 10004 occurs when the Zoom application is unable to establish a connection with the Zoom servers. The error is cross-platform, which means it has occurred on all types of devices, including PCs, smartphones, etc. It is related to Proxy, blocking both TCP and SSL with a ...
Unable to install updates Error code:10004“Retry” & “Close” buttonsRetry never works. Can use existing install version which is Version: 5.11.6 (9890)haven't been able to restart mac and see if that helps yet.known issue? install fail update 15...
北京时间6月24日消息,据科技博客TechCrunch报道,谷歌周一推出了域名注册服务Google Domains,目前正处于小...
[分享]一个封锁操作被对 WSACancelBlockingCall 的调用中断 ErrorCode=10004 2012-12-30 20:34 −在读取网络流之前,先添加一条判断语句: //client.Available属性进行判断,当Available属性大于0时才开始从缓冲区读取网络数据 if (client.Available <= 0) continue; MSDN对Availabl... ...
一个封锁操作被对 WSACancelBlockingCall 的调用中断 ErrorCode=10004 2012-10-25 22:56 −C#中在使用UDPClient循环监听端口,在断开UPDClient的时候,使用try...catch捕获了异常,System.NET.Sockets.SocketException“一个封锁操作被对 WSACancelBlockingCall ... ...
注释是英文的,大家需要可以用翻译软件直接译,大体意思没问题。 WinSock Error Codes The following error codes apply to the WinSock ActiveX Controls. Error Code Error Message 10004 The operation is canceled.操作被取消 10013 The requested address is a broadcast address, but flag is not set. ...
10001System error系统错误 10002Service unavailable服务暂停 10003Remote service error远程服务错误 10004IP limitIP限制不能请求该资源 10005Permission denied, need a high level appkey该资源需要appkey拥有授权 10006Source paramter (appkey) is missing缺少source (appkey) 参数 ...
接口错误代码说明 V2 错误代码对照表 系统级错误代码 10001Service internal error服务出错 10002Service currently unavailable服务暂停 10003Remote service error远程服务出错 10004Rate limit超过频率限制 10005Http method not permittedHTTP方法被禁止 10006Missing source parameter缺少Source参数 ...