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df1<-economics |> tidyr::pivot_longer(-date,names_to = 'var',values_to = 'value') ### 还原 df2<-df1 |> tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "var",values_from = "value") ###绘制时间序列选择的是——geom_line(),它内置分组,否则就要用好几个geom_line df1 <- economics_long[lubridate...
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The R-Code program moves to jump label. Usage: GO:label Example: // Make AIBO sit & stand repeatedly forever... :JumpHere PLAY:ACTION:SIT WAIT PLAY:ACTION:STAND WAIT GO:JumpHere IF - Conditional test Compare two numbers or variables, and perform parameter accordingly. There are several di...
{ "key": "ctrl+r", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand", "when": "terminalFocus" }, { "key": "ctrl+alt+r", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence", "args": { "text": "\u0012"/*^R*/ }, "when": "terminalFocus" }, { "key": "ctrl+r", "...
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在VS Code中使用R语言和ROS(Robot Operating System) Visual Studio Code (VS Code) 是一款轻量级的源代码编辑器,因其强大的插件生态系统,使得它能够支持各种编程语言和开发环境。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍如何在VS Code中安装和使用R语言插件,以及如何配置和使用ROS的roslaunch工具。 1. 安装VS Code 首先,请确保...
The relevant bit of GitHub-flavored Markdown is ready to be pasted from your clipboard (on RStudio Server or Cloud, you will need to copy this yourself): ``` r (y <- 1:4) #> [1] 1 2 3 4 mean(y) #> [1] 2.5 ```