送两个COD ww2..先发一个KGG9R-VCQW2-44J79-32VYK-VV9RZ,等一会再发一个用了的说一声40的时候发一个GDR3Q-PYY6J-9C74F-DKT6P-J99RZ
13回复贴,共1页 <返回xboxone吧请教各位大佬,COD的WW2数字豪华款和黄金版有啥区别啊?相 只看楼主收藏回复 司马缸砸光 质量文明 10 请教各位大佬,COD的WW2数字豪华款和黄金版有啥区别啊?相差几块钱……送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-05-02 18:23回复 ...
To complete the next hidden challenge, you must complete the Tortured Death easter egg without collecting any supply drops. The challenge is called Well Travelled and the riddle for this challenge will be shown in the menu as “Pack Light” and the unlock text will be “Recovered a relic wit...